Fatty liver- the SLOW poison
It’s normal to have some fat in the liver, but too much fat can become a health problem. Fatty liver is a condition that describes the build-up of fat in the liver when too much fat is not being utilized or metabolized in the body. It is a condition that can often be reversed with lifestyle modifications. Fatty liver generally has no symptoms. But if not diagnosed well on time fatty liver leads to scarring of liver tissue followed by fibrosis leading to cirrhosis. Fatty liver develops and it starts accumulating in the liver cells. Other than a high-fat high sugar diet, the presence of obesity, excess alcohol intake, diabetes, and genetic inheritance also lead to fatty liver. There is no medication for fatty liver, however, the main treatment here is treating the cause of fatty liver. If obesity is a cause go for weight loss, if alcohol intake is the cause, abstain completely from alcohol intake. Eating healthy and including physical activity is the most effective and first line of treatment for fatty liver.
· For those who are overweight and obese, try for gradual and sustained weight loss through proper nutrition and exercise.
· Maintain your blood sugar levels if you are a diabetic with insulin or hypoglycemic agents along with a healthy diet and exercise.
· Maintain your blood lipid levels with medication healthy diet and exercise if you are hypertensive or have high lipid levels in the blood.
PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN CURE holds true for every disease. Reduce the risk of developing fatty liver with a healthy diet, healthy weight, and exercise.